Creating Opportunities all the time |
This is a story of select African men and women of exceptional pedigree who ventured out to create an ideal future armed with nothing but the mandate of the people and belief system.
Lucid Coop limited is about unconventional models based on practical terms of winning regardless thought processes.
French Novelist Hugo in deep thoughts confirmed “ There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come”
Lucid Coop Limited can at best be described as an idea whose time has come
The question which pops up all the time is “ What constitutes Lucid Coop Limited ? ” The word lucid is about comprehensible , Intelligible, understandable,cogent and coherent thought protocols. Put simply Lucid Coop is about people dynamics.
In short we are Cooperate entity operating as a principal holding company with cluster affiliated companies or subsidiaries subscribing to it.
Solution orientation
A solution oriented approach helps people to develop goals and solutions rather than just explore and analyse problems.It is different to more traditional helping methods in that it focuses on the present and the future, goals and how to achieve them.
Trust and reputation
Trust is the oxygen that allows reputation to exist.At Lucid Coop Limited we subscribe to premium values of trust and reputation.
Reputation capital is the value of intangible assets of a business,such as reviews,word of mouth,brand identity and stakeholder trust.
Crowdfunding networks are open,multi sided markets that match founders and funders on crowdfunding platforms.Lucid Coop limited constitutes an investment vehicle promoting the bridge corporate link between funders and founders.The unique structure of these networks blends social and business networks and compromises a complex array of closer and more distant network relations.
Effective Networking
Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships.
Effective networking makes use of the easy accessibility of vast networks of people through social media and websites to bring investors and entrepreneurs together.Lucid Coop limited subscribes to that model of business.
Compliance is the state of being in accordance with established guidelines or specifications.This means Lucid Coop limited adheres to the applicable rules and laws.
Lucid Coop Limited is a fully compliant member of the FCA Financial Conduct authority.The FSA ( Financial Services Authority )regulates financial activities such as banking ,insurance to offer consumer fair experience.
Lucid Coop Limited is built on foundation grounds fostering empowerment.Empowerment is about people having power and control over their own lives .It’s about people getting the support they need that is right for them.
One of the most effective ways to empower others is to express appreciation for their efforts….. habitually we do that as standard at Lucid Coop limited.