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Goal: £1,300.00
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Lucid Co-op Limited

Creating Opportunities at all times


A co-operative (co-op) is a different kind of business. Lucid co-op is owned by all its members, not big investors, and our members get a chance to have a say in how we 're run.

Profits mean members receive money, rewards and offers and Lucid co-op supports its community.

What is LUCID CO-OP?  This question comes up many a times and the compromise answer is “Lucid Coop is about YOU & I. It’s about crowd participation to achieve growth and corporate results which can facilitate residual income.

Hupfumi husingaperi ...... Umnotho ongapheliyo!

The Technocrats who created UKChema are also responsible for the creation of Lucid Coop. The in-house track record is unprecedented and project success is assured.

Lucid Co-op Limited

Contact Us
Office: +44 207 4382019
Email:  admin@lucidcoop.co.uk


2 Frederick Street

Kings Cross

London, WC1X  0ND

United Kingdom

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